Artist Feature: Shawn Day

Artist Feature: Shawn Day

~CONTENT POWERED BY ANTELOPE BUTTE FOUNDATION~ Shawn Day is a renaissance man. He’s aquired a multitude of talents and a thirst for mastering new crafts, one of which has been making music in Sheridan for over 20 years now. He loves it. Beginning with piano lessons at eight years old, you could say Shawn wasn’t…


Antelope Butte Foundation — I Raise You $100,000

Talk about raising the stakes! If you haven’t already heard the news, the Dan and Jeanne Scott Family Foundation has offered up $100,000 in funding to support the Antelope Butte Foundation. The catch? ABF will have to mirror the funds by first raising their own $100,000 to then unlock the additional $100K. If successful, the…


Blacktooth Brewery Company Supports Project Schoolhouse

Blacktooth Brewing Company is back at it again with their relatively new but destined to be a homegrown tradition of Community Pint Nights. This community night, the good cause highlighted was the Project Schoolhouse, an international non-profit that seeks to provide sanitary living conditions, clean water, and more clear paths to superior education in rural…


Sheridan High School to Put on a Musical

Have you noticed a lack of Sheridan High School kids gallivanting about town in the last few weeks? Though there are a ton of activities that students are involved in throughout the year, this is the week for the High School Musical. No, not the one with the Wildcats. That’s another thing. This thing has…


Luminous Brewhouse – Brew and a Concert

Can you picture a perfect night with your closest friends? If you’re anything like us, it’s a night that entails being in great company with equal quality brews in hand, and all while listening to live music!   Tomorrow night (Tuesday, February 28) at 7 pm, bring your friends down to Luminous Brewhouse for a…


Sheridan Inn Q&A with Bob Townsend

Touring the Sheridan Inn is a unique experience you’ll only find here in Wyoming. If you’re like us, you’ve long since known about the Sheridan Inn and may be vaguely aware of its history with the likes of Buffalo Bill, but never knew much else beyond that. Buffalo Bill and his world-famous Wild West Show…


[EVENT] The WYO Theater – Lights! Camera! Math!

Math usually gets a bad rep for not being terribly fun nor entertaining. Well, we’re here to tell you — it doesn’t always have to be so, especially when you mix one part math with one part whimsical magic show. Luckily for you, this beautiful pairing is a specialty of the Lights! Camera! Math! production…


The 2017 Sheridan Start-Up Challenge

Seth Godin once said, “There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” A great idea can only go so far on its own. But with the right resources that idea can soar, flourish, and grow into an incredibly successful organization. The Wyoming Technology Business Center (WTBC) of the University…

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