Sludge Trudge Sheridan Wyoming

Sludge Trudge 2015 – Prepare to Get Messy!


Sludge Trudge, Sept 12, 2015

Are you like us? Do you find yourself constantly identifying with the wiley and majestic elk? Of course you do. Well, frolic in obscurity no longer, our deer-hearted friend, for there is an event that will let your release your inner animal! The Sludge Trudge is an outrageously fun obstacle course consisting of 16 different challenges including hay bales, barn chaos, and walls to scale with a twist. What’s the twist, you ask? Much like the name implies, the entire 5K long track is saturated with a healthy dose of mud. You can walk, run, or crawl, but no matter how you go through it, you’re gonna get dirty. “It’s still really new,” said Michele Maneval, local business owner and brains behind the Sludge Trudge. “We’re only in our second year but it was a lot of fun last time and we hope it still grows.”

The Sludge Trudge was born as a way to bring friends, family, and community together, uniting them in mud. Said Maneval, “I think of it as an awesome way to get a great christmas picture. A family covered in mud sure is an attention getter.”  There will be fun, food, and sheep showers for any who want to shower off at the after party hosted at the No-Name Bar. Whether you go for the camaraderie, the mud, or the free food,  the Sludge Trudge is sure to be a new tradition for Sheridan.


Tired of running your typical 5K fundraiser? Have you mastered those treacherous 10Ks for the summer? Not quite ready for a grueling marathon? And most importantly do you want to get a little dirty? The Sheridan Sludge Trudge is calling your number!

Elk aren’t the only mammals that like to wallow in the mud! For years people have been enjoying it at Dirty Dashes around the country. Let your inner elk out at the Sheridan county Fair grounds for a local, trudge through the sludge 5K, that will challenge your fitness, force you to get a little dirty, and allow you to see your fellow community members in a different light. The light of Mud!

Bring your family and friends as you transform from human to animal in order to slip, slide, dive, crawl and climb your way through a variety of 16 obstacles including: a hay bale mountain, mud hole wallows, barn chaos, and walls to rise up, under and over!

After the event enjoy Food, Beer, Music at the Fairgrounds on the grass


Hit the After Party at No Name Bar where you can get your “shower” but it will be COLD!
SHOW UP DIRTY and get a free towel (while supplies last)
enjoy food, music, and fun for the family (kid friendly)

Enter online at
Or stop by The Sport Stop or Foot of the Bighorns to enter



Saturday, September 12, 2015

Start between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM

Sheridan County Fairgrounds



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