Lane Terzieff is your man. That is, if your man can be found astride a black and gold tricycle he’s named “The Swag Mobile,” for which he traded some hip-hop beats.
You may know Lane better by his street name: Lancifer. “Where did such a street name come from?” we asked, and what we got was not something you could call an answer, but here it is, nevertheless.
“So one time, I was in the South Saharan Desert climbing this mountain,” and at this point, a rowdy argument broke out about his use of the word “Saharan.” Is it a word? The jury’s still out on that one.
Anyway, he continued: “So I was climbing a mountain, and, uh, as I was saying I was climbing a mountain in the South Saharan Desert. I hadn’t had water in 46 days. As I got to the top of this mountainous mountain, I saw this family of baby eagles, and I went to save them. I was saving them from.. Uh.. themselves. No, I was saving them from uh, a, uh, a, uh, uh, an avalanche. So I picked them up in my bare hands, and just as the avalanche was about to reach us, I pushed down a giant pine tree, and, uh, and, we, uh… what was the question?”
We understand that there are a number of issues with this story, but who are we to question it?
Lane has spent his five-ish year music career traveling the world, trying to get his music to those who may not have much exposure to pop or hip hop. The most rewarding thing about the path he’s chosen has been “playing in weird places, countries that don’t necessarily have my style of American pop hip hop music. When I play in, say, Myanmar, people are just stoked because they haven’t seen as much of that. The experience is just fun.”
Though the connections and experiences are the most rewarding, that’s not why Lancifer makes the dope tracks that he does. Music is his platform.
“I’m an activist.”
“For what?”
“For the whales. Free the Whales… Yeah, I do it for the whales here in Sheridan… No! No, I didn’t mean it like that!”
While Lane may be a man that some would call a goofball, and a man that the other, nicer people are definitely thinking is a goofball, he is, without a shred of a doubt, a genuine person at heart.
“For me, it all comes down to spreading the love and positivity of God around the world… Music is just an excuse to meet people and make new friends and have experiences with different people.”
He’s a people person but in more than the colloquial sense. Sure, he’s outgoing, but what Lane Terzieff really cares about is you.The individual. He’s been everywhere, and he came back. Though Sheridan may not provide all of the big city opportunities for a man in his business, it’s becoming a place that excels at helping artists flourish.
“Sheridan is growing a lot and I think it’s a really monumental time for Sheridan right now. There’s been a lot of cool people developing cool projects recently, and that’s super exciting.”
5 years ago this month, Lane’s first single was played on 104.9 out of Sheridan Media. Today, he has 50 songs released in 15 countries.
What does this all mean? What is Lancifer? He’ll tell you what he is.
“I’m like a monkey. A spider monkey. In the wind… This is a stupid question. Next question.”
If you want to contact Lane, you can probably find him either playing tag at Kendrick Park or riding a box down a hill somewhere. Or he has a Facebook page that you can send a message to.
Check out some of his tunes: